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Organizing Made Simple for Teachers

I am getting ready for the launch of Organizing Made Simple, a master course on organizing as teachers. This course will include tips on organizing your classroom, as well as the steps to stay organized all year long and for years to come. Whether you move around between rooms or switch grade levels, these tips will help you to keep your classroom and materials neat and tidy and allow you to focus on what really matters, educating your students.

Wondering what does she know about organizing? Well, I have switched back and forth between grade levels for 4 years, taught in 2 different schools, and moved through 3 different classrooms. I was able to keep clear and simple organization, not lose any materials, and find everything I needed at the start of each school year. How did I do it? By following these simple starter tips.

1. Keep Lists

I rarely do anything without a list. Sometimes creating the list can seem daunting at first, but any task is easier in the long run if you do the difficult work up front. I create numerous "to-do" lists for the following times of the year:

  • setting up my classroom

  • beginning of the year routines to teach

  • weekly to-do's

  • items to take home

  • plans for over breaks

  • ideas for next school year

  • end of the year clean-up

  • summer work

Each of these checklists are available for free in the Organizing Made Simple online course. I share how I use the lists, when I make my lists, and the best way to manage your time to check off each item on your list.

2. Bins, Bins, and More Bins

I am an avid collector of storage containers. I am always trying out the latest storage bins and have found systems and types of bins that work best. Sometimes those cheap Dollar Tree bins are perfect, other times you need to invest in some heavy-duty storage that will last for years. I have included links below to a few of my go-to storage materials in the classroom. Join the Organizing Made Simple course (Coming Soon!!) to find out how I use all my storage materials both in and out of the classroom and get more links to my favorite storage resources.

3. A Place for Everything and Labels

If you want to find whatever you are looking for, it needs to have a place, and that place needs to be labeled. Now this doesn't mean you need to buy a label maker or even spend hours creating cute labels to put on everything. In the Organizing Made Simple course, I provide you with the best label materials, numerous label FREEBIES, and where you need your labels the most. Keeping everything in the place it belongs will help you to stay organized all year long and never miss something you need.

Watch for the new tab on my page titled Organizing Made Simple to join this online master course, complete with videos, images, free organizing resources, and opportunities for online or in-person coaching calls to help you get and STAY organized as a teacher. Get rid of the constant desk clutter, paper piles, mixed materials, and lost items.

Tired of the mess and stress? Let me help you! Subscribe and follow my blog for updates on the course launch OR complete the contact form and let me know you are interested in Organizing Made Simple. The course will launch before the school year begins in August to help you get organized and find all the right materials you need to start the year off right!

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